The Landworks laboratorio del paesaggio 2012 (L3)
situates its activity within the third installation of Landworks. Founded by
the assemblage of eleven young researchers from North America, Europe and Asia,
the team performs within the geomorphologic limits of the Monteveccio mining
region in Sardinia. Specifically, the perimeter of engagement concentrates on
the infrastructure at the end of the mining facilities of Pireddu, Ingurtosi.
Within this territory, the study centralizes on a seam located between the
final mineral washing process and one of the region’s principal discard zones.
This conceptually fertile, yet impoverished and abandoned “piazza” determines
the territory of operations for the L3 team.
L3 research follows a daily course of investigations that
lures the group across terrain following the miner’s foot-paths. On-site work
includes regular testing and experimentation with materials and space using
low-tech methods and a small array of hand-tools. External input is injected
from ex-mining professionals in the fields of geology and permaculture.
Important consideration includes territorial investigation at the micro, macro
and meso scales, the passage of time, the industrial mining history, the nature
of rejuvenation, team choreography, continued learning and knowledge transfer.
Research is formulated via the scientific method thus inverting the accepted
mode of “design as research” (often deployed in the fields of architecture,
landscape architecture and urban design) into “research as design” thus setting
up a linear trajectory of inquiry. The method begins with formulating the
critical research question and establishing a hypothesis intended to drive a
series of investigations. Investigations are then tested though the execution
of a number of prototypes and pilot projects. Results are assessed and the
investigations are modified if resources are available and are tested again.
Critical to the foundation of the L3 investigation is a
clarified response to the question, “Why intervene?”. A follow-up question
intending to elucidate the L3 hypothesis probes “Why here (in
Ingurtosu), why now?”. Understanding the core and ramifications of both simple
queries assists in better honing daily tactics (identifying working media,
clarifying scales of intervention, constructing legible portals of knowledge
transfer and contending with the omni-present pressure to determine the correct
aesthetic vehicle to transport the message) designed towards a few clear
pedagogic intentions; to establish and maintain a healthy learning environment,
to provide skills, to use research for design, to stimulate our power to
observe, to empower young designers and perhaps most importantly, to do so in a
manner that stimulates pleasure (to have fun).
Research transfer occurs across the course of the ten-day
investigation in the form of an on-line blog, off-site posting of research
visualizations, a hosted site-visit as well as a summary research report and
peer-review. Skills to be honed include abstract visualization, foraging,
stop-motion imaging, bamboo harvesting, on-line research, three-dimensional
design and composting to name a few. An L3 lexicon includes the
examination of the meanings the terms that include but are not limited to;
intervene, extract, discard, operate, remediate and intention.
The project form evolves through the series of operations aimed, not
at generating the form itself but at pursuing the course of pre-set intentions.
Such method is one that induces a state of engagement impassioning the L3
team and ultimately driving the group across the ten-day research period. Final
site form indicates that research is crude, imprecise and incomplete but the
work’s visualization upon the selected terrain of engagement hopes to motivate
a series of critical discussions that will catalyze a more serious engagement
of remediation.
Ingurtosu, 30 May 2012
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